So, Christmas is always a fun and exciting time of year, but it takes on a whole new look through the eyes of an incredibly enthusiastic four-year old boy. Unpacking the Christmas decorations, shopping for Christmas presents, listening to Christmas music, putting the star on the tree, setting out the nativity scene, driving around looking at Christmas lights, coloring Christmas pictures, eating Christmas cookies...all of it has been thoroughly enjoyed and treasured, by Hank especially. Of course, our desire is that in his enjoyment of this season, he is able to recognize the reason behind all the celebration. Hank has this neat kid-friendly nativity scene made by Fisher Price Little People that his Grammy and Pops gave to him on his second birthday. We put it away with the Christmas decorations each year so it is a special "Christmas only" toy. All 3 kids are loving it this year.

Last night as I was putting Hank and Landry to bed, I sang "Away in a Manger" to them and explained what the words meant. I talked about why Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus were in the stable with the animals, and how Mary probably laid Baby Jesus in the manger with the hay to keep him warm. Then Hank said, "And then did the angel come down and sit on the stick and all the stars lit up?" (Notice the top of the stable in the picture above...the angel fits on the stick-like knob, and when you push it down, "Away in a Manger" plays and stars in the background of the stable light up.) As I tried to remain composed, I told him that wasn't exactly how it happened and promised to read him the story out of the Bible in the morning, so we could see how it really happened. This morning we read the story out of Luke (I paraphrased on the spot), and it was a really sweet time.
For a four-year-old, he really is starting to "get-it". As we were driving around town looking at Christmas lights Wednesday night, my and Jeff's hearts were warmed by the following conversation:Hank: I'm so excited about Christmas?
us: Why, buddy?
Hank: Because I get to open presents...but (mumble, mumble, mumble)
us: Wait, what did you say, bud?
Hank: but that's not what Christmas is about
us: That's right! What is Christmas about?
Hank: Jesus' birthday!
us: and why are we so glad that Jesus was born?
Hank: because he died on the cross for us!
Jeff and I just looked at each other in amazement! Praise the Lord, he's getting it!!!
I'm loving this Christmas season! Being in a new place, I feel like we have less commitments (aka distractions) than the typical holiday season. We have plenty of fun parties and events to keep us occupied, but not enough to overwhelm us. It's been such a blessing to take the time to truly savor this special time of year...and we have another week to enjoy it! May your week preceding Christmas be blessed as well!
An unintended "prom picture" taken when we went to see the trail of lights in the nearby town of La Grange.