Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So, one of my friends wrote on her facebook profile that she considers this the "wiping" phase in life...constantly wiping noses, bottoms, counters, hands, faces, etc. I found that description rather funny, but also rather true. Sometimes I'm amazed at the amount of bodily fluids I have to deal with in a day. With one potty trained (yet still has frequent accidents because he gets too busy to take the time to actually make it to the bathroom before he goes), one potty training, and one still in diapers, that's enough bodily fluid alone. But when you add snotty noses, blood, spit up, and on days like yesterday - vomit, yes vomit, it gets to be too much to handle. I'll spare you the details, but yesterday I had to deal with vomit and urine mixed together. What?!?! Disgusting. I'm laughing...kind of.

Being the perfectionist and control freak that I am (yes, mom, I'm admitting it), having 3 small children is quite the challenge...emotionally as much if not more so than physically. I easily get overwhelmed by all the details: keep sick child away from the not sick children, sanitize everything, be consistent in discipline, sanitize everything, figure out how to help your son not be afraid at night, sanitize everything, dishes, laundry, spend quality one-on-one time with each child, sanitize everything, etc.

I love how when I reach the point where I want to pull my hair out and yell, "I can't handle this!" the Lord sends gentle reminders of truth to me. Reminders that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Reminders that my perfectionistic expectations for myself are not His (or anyone else's) expectations for me. Reminders that children are a blessing from Him. Reminders that I don't have it that bad...I have an AMAZING husband who is such a support and so involved; we are healthy (except for the occasion aforementioned snotty noses and stomach bugs); we are so blessed with a wonderful home, plenty of food, and so many other things I take for granted. My most recent reminders have come in the form of a couple of blogs written by my best friend from high school and her husband (her blog is private, but his blog is here). She is a doctor in the air force and was sent on her first deployment on New Year's Day. She left her husband and 18 month old daughter stateside. She recently wrote a post about how much she misses her daughter, with precious details about all the things she misses... She'd probably give anything to wipe up her daughter's bodily fluids right now. The most inspiring thing about their blog posts is that although they are being honest about the challenges they have in their lives right now, they are clinging to His truth through Scripture. What an encouragement, inspiration, and healthy slap in the face their words have been to me.

my prayer:


Thank you for the amazing blessing of three beautiful, healthy (usually) children. Thank you that I have the privilege of staying home with them and spending time loving on them, playing with, disciplining them, instructing them, and even "wiping" them. Give me the strength and patience to get through the challenging times. Give me the wisdom to be the kind of mom that takes advantage of every opportunity to point them to you. Give me the perspective to see the bigger picture in all things. And, Lord, be with my friend and her precious little family as they have their own set of very different challenges. Give them safety and peace. Continue to bring glory to yourself through their words and the ways they are approaching this stage in their life. Thanks for being big enough to hold all things in the palm of your hand, yet loving enough to care about the little details of our are truly my all-in-all.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

...and he's off!

Well we've entered a new phase in our family of five...we have three walking children. I'm not sure how that's going to play out when they all 3 decide to go in different directions...this could get interesting! Seriously, though, it's exciting! He's been taking steps since Christmas, but just today he gained the confidence to take several steps consecutively and to venture out on his own. Side note: the hammer he is carrying is one of 5 toy hammers of which he always seems to be toting around...probably just because he wants to be like Jesus...a carpenter. (ha, ha!)

Enjoy the little video clip. I really need to stop taking videos sideways...or figure out how to rotate them before I load them...anyone have any suggestions? I apologize in advance if you get a crick in your neck.

I'll try to get some Christmas pics loaded soon, but until then I'm living in the moment (see previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about!).