Wednesday, January 6, 2010

...and he's off!

Well we've entered a new phase in our family of five...we have three walking children. I'm not sure how that's going to play out when they all 3 decide to go in different directions...this could get interesting! Seriously, though, it's exciting! He's been taking steps since Christmas, but just today he gained the confidence to take several steps consecutively and to venture out on his own. Side note: the hammer he is carrying is one of 5 toy hammers of which he always seems to be toting around...probably just because he wants to be like Jesus...a carpenter. (ha, ha!)

Enjoy the little video clip. I really need to stop taking videos sideways...or figure out how to rotate them before I load them...anyone have any suggestions? I apologize in advance if you get a crick in your neck.

I'll try to get some Christmas pics loaded soon, but until then I'm living in the moment (see previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From just taking a step here and there to walking all the way across the room - amazing! And CUTE!!! And yes, I am partial. : )