Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The youth group at our church has been having a fund raiser for their summer youth camp and mission trip.  It's really creative and quite hilarious.  You can pay money to have someone's yard "flocked," which means they end up with a dozen hideous flamingos in their front yard.

This afternoon I was picking up around the house and as I bent over to pick up something off the floor something purple in the front yard caught my eye through the front window.  Yes, we had been flocked!  Thank you Sam and Rebecca.  I'm actually incredibly impressed at whoever the actual flocker was... I was home all day with my front windows open and I heard NOTHING.

I find it rather funny.  The kids think it is AWESOME...built in pets, and so colorful, too!  I'm not sure what our neighbors think.

Landry: "Look, this one has a necklace!!!"

So for $5 we can have the flock removed...but for only $10 more we can have the flock placed in someone else's yard.  Hmmmm, revenge on Sam and Rebecca?  Or "bless" another unsuspecting friend???  If you live in Columbus, you better watch your front yard!

One more funny side note: You can pay $50 for insurance that you won't get flocked again.  Something worth considering, I guess. :)


Sisco Family said...

love that fundraiser! so cute! and, i must say, i love seeing your blog at the top of my list so much!! you and alissa keep bouncing back and forth for the most updated blog! :)

Greg, Alissa, Luke and Jack said...

So cute! When I first saw that picture of Tucker, I thought it was Hank! Crazy how much those two look alike!