Mommy: "Landry, who's this?" (pointing to Alissa)
Landry: "Oh! A skwill!" (Skwill = squirrel in Landry language)
So funny! Even funnier...Hank saw that we laughed at Landry when she said that, so for the rest of the evening he continued to repeat, "Oh! A skwill!" and laughing histarically, so hard in fact that he almost fell over at one point. Alissa, it was so fun to see you and catch up! We'd love to see you again soon! We're praying for you...keep us posted on where the Lord leads you!

So, I'm saving the best part of the post for last. I want to share a conversation I had with Hank the other night as I was tucking him into bed...one that I won't soon forget:
Mommy: Hank, do you want to thank God for anything?
Hank: No, Mommy, I want you to.
M: What do you want me to thank him for?
H: Going camping with Daddy, playing in the playroom, my cars-cars...
M: Any people?
H: Walker and Miller and their mommy. My mommy, my daddy, my stista, and my baby bwudda Tucka.
M: OK. (then I proceeded to thank God for the things Hank had listed and to pray for Hank, but I prayed in a much more conversational way than normal) Amen.
H: I want to tell God some stuff.
M: OK, go ahead.
H: God, thanks for my new toy (referring to his McDonalds happy meal toy he had gotten that night). I hope it doesn't break and stuff like that. Thanks for my mommy, my daddy, my stista, and my baby bwudda Tucka. Amen.
M: Hank, that was great!
H: Mommy, I want to go in the sky and be with God.
M: Well, Hank, did you know that God is everywhere...even right here with us.
H: No, Mommy, God doesn't fit in the Mesquite house.
M: Well, I know it's hard to understand, but even though God is bigger than our house, he's still here with us, but we can't see or hear him...that's called faith. Did you know God is in my heart?
H: I want him to get out of there! (very serious face)
M: No, I want him there. I asked him to come in. Want to know why?
H: Yeah.
M: Do you do bad things sometimes, things that you get a whopper for?
H: Yeah, I hit Landry like this (hitting one had with his other) and that makes her feel bad.
M: Well, that's called sin, and God doesn't like sin. But God sent his son Jesus to the earth. Jesus was perfect, he didn't do anything wrong... he didn't hit his sister, or bite his brother, or disobey his mommy and daddy. So God put all our sins on Jesus, and he died on the cross. But then he came back to life. And if we want him to, he can wash all our sins away and come live in our hearts.
H: I want him to walk out of your heart into mine.
M: Oh, buddy! He can be in my heart and your heart at the same time. He's in Daddy's heart, too!
H: I want God and Jesus in my heart.
M: Why?
H: Because I love them!
So, the conversation continued on a little while after than...mostly rehashing some of the things we had already talked about. And even though he expressed interest in having Jesus "in his heart." I didn't feel like it was time to lead him in a prayer. I could see the wheels turning, and I know he's starting to "get it". Later I was telling Jeff that the comforting thing is that if he gets it, he gets it...it doesn't take a magical prayer to make it official. And if he doesn't really get it yet, at least he's curious! Oh, I can't tell you how that conversation blessed me. Of course, as a parent, probably my biggest goal in life is that my children know and love the Lord. What a blessing it was to begin to see some of the fruit from the seeds that Jeff and I (and probably many of you reading this) have planted over the past three and a half years!
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