You know how you just have those days (or weeks) where you know you were really busy and you know you're exhausted, but you don't really have any idea why??? That was this week. I sat down to type thinking that surely I had all kids of excited stories since I feel so wiped out...but I'm fresh out. So, instead, I decided to pick a few favorite pics of the week...
(above) This is my new favorite pic! I'm usually on the other side of the camera, so it's quite the treat to have a picture with me and all 3 of my kiddos in it! Now, if we can just get a decent family pic one of these days...

OK, in the next 4 pictures, notice sweet Tucker's little face...he is smiling and I mean SMILING for the camera...what a cheese ball!

It's getting to be that time of the summer when we're ready to have Daddy home more...3 more weeks! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We definitely don't want to wish away the last 3 weeks of camp. We will be so sad to see all the staff that we have fallen so in love with leave at the end of the summer, but we will also enjoy some much-needed family time, too!

A rare moment indeed...all 3 of my children sitting still!

We had the pleasure of a visit from my grandparents...Nana and Paw-Paw. It was such a joy to have them in our home. I loved visiting with them and watching them enjoy their great-grandbabies.

A few more highlights from "week 8" before I wrap up:
Hank has learned how to use the computer! Stephanie East (who I had the pleasure of getting to see briefly last Monday...and showing her our new home!) showed Hank an educational website (Hank calls it Mrs. Stephanie's favorite website) that Walker has learned to navigate. It teaches kids about letters and sounding out words. Hank has quickly caught on! He can use the mouse to click on the "spawkwy awohs" (sparkly arrows) and navigate through the different activities on the site. Fun for hours! We're already having to limit his computer time each day. Technology these days!
Landry continues to love picking out her own clothes. Now it's the first thing she says when she gets out of bed in the mornings..."I need a shirt!" We had a traumatic moment this week...I decided it was time for bear-bear (her beloved pink teddy bear that goes everywhere with her and truly is her best friend and greatest source of comfort) to get a bath. I threw him in the washing maching one morning...BIG MISTAKE! After a little over an hour, many tears, and several failed attempts at distraction, Landry had a very happy reunion with her cleaner (and much pink-er) bear-bear.
Tucker continues to amaze me with his sweetness. Even his "bad" days are relatively easy. His first tooth is minutes away from poking through his gums. I'm still waiting for him to start crawling...now he just uses the "rock'n'roll" method of movement...he gets up on all 4's and rocks, then rolls over onto his back, then tummy, then back, then tummy, to get where he wants to go. He eats almost two full jars of baby food at each feeding, and takes an average of 5 ounces of formula three of four times a day. And as you saw above...he smiles a lot!
Jeff is tired, but doing great! He's doing a phenomenal job of keeping things going smoothly at camp but also keeping his family a priority! I'm so proud of him!
I got to go to dinner with Chrismiss this week...tomatillo enchiladas continue to be a fave! And we tried a stuffed avocado...yummy! We had fun chatting, and I'm grateful to be introduced to one of her favorite desserts...the pazookie! I have been thankful for her friendship this summer!
Today is my last day as a "twenty-something." I don't know how I feel about that. It's been a pretty amazing 30 years! I am truly blessed!
No particular reason, but Columbus is feeling more and more like home. I've emotionally moved from being "ok" most the time, to liking it most the time, to now loving it sometimes! I look forward to unpacking those last few boxes, finishing up those last few projects, and getting into a normal-life routine this fall. The Lord has been faithful to hold me close during the challenges we've had over the past several months and to even teach me much through it all. I'm excited to see the blessings...and "learning moments"...he will continue to reveal in the days to come. I don't know why I ever doubted. I guess He knows what He's doing after all. =)
[Quick side note: In the margin on the left, you will find a place where you can subscribe to our blog so that you'll get an email every time there's a new post. I thought it might make things easier on you "regulars." Also, this may sound silly, but if you do stop by our blog, I'd love it if you'd leave a comment every now and then...I like positive feedback and knowing that people do actually read this. Thanks! =)]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You look so great in the pictures. You're one hot 30-year-old mommy of three! :) We miss you guys. It really was wonderful and refreshing visiting with you. You were a definite perk in considering the La Grange job...we kept going back to, "but, Jenny and Jeff live there!". It was hard to turn down just because of that.
I am so glad that you are starting to feel at home in Columbus. Your house is beautiful!
Hope to see you REALLY soon. If your family ever wants a free get-away, the Melton house is always open. Love you, friend!
Happy Birthday, Jenny! Glad to see you all are enjoying summer and getting into life in Columbus. Thanks to Jeff for sharing this address so we can keep up with you all!
Happy happy birthday!! 30?! seriously, that's ridiculous. you're hot.
and, the pictures are precious. thank you for sharing them. the first two really show how much tucker looks like landry. weird.
love you so much!
I found your blog!!! yea!!! And Happy Birthday!! Your kids are just adorable! Fun to hear about your "director's wife" life.
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