Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The youth group at our church has been having a fund raiser for their summer youth camp and mission trip.  It's really creative and quite hilarious.  You can pay money to have someone's yard "flocked," which means they end up with a dozen hideous flamingos in their front yard.

This afternoon I was picking up around the house and as I bent over to pick up something off the floor something purple in the front yard caught my eye through the front window.  Yes, we had been flocked!  Thank you Sam and Rebecca.  I'm actually incredibly impressed at whoever the actual flocker was... I was home all day with my front windows open and I heard NOTHING.

I find it rather funny.  The kids think it is AWESOME...built in pets, and so colorful, too!  I'm not sure what our neighbors think.

Landry: "Look, this one has a necklace!!!"

So for $5 we can have the flock removed...but for only $10 more we can have the flock placed in someone else's yard.  Hmmmm, revenge on Sam and Rebecca?  Or "bless" another unsuspecting friend???  If you live in Columbus, you better watch your front yard!

One more funny side note: You can pay $50 for insurance that you won't get flocked again.  Something worth considering, I guess. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

splish splash

Well, it officially reached 90 degrees earlier this week, so I decided it was time to break out the sprinkler!!!  At the end of the summer last year I got this fun "Toss n' Spray Seal" toy for less than two bucks!
Supposedly the point is to try to balance the ball on top of the cone of water that sprays out of the seal's nose.  BUT I wasn't even able to do it, so I don't think any of my kiddos would be able to either.  But they get wet in the process of trying, so I can that's all you can ask for!

They were so excited to bust our their swimsuits for the first time!

Tucker had to take it in from afar before he was ready to jump into the didn't help that I woke him up from his nap to come out and play.

Landry was cold!

It was hard to get him to sit still long enough to get a good picture of him.

So it was fun while it lasted...I don't think we got in the 90's this day, so once you were wet, it was a little chilly.  I'm not'll be in the 100's before we know it.

Doesn't he just look like he's up to something?

Monday, April 26, 2010

bright sunshiny day

We had been blessed with some gorgeous weather lately, and we've tried to take advantage of it by being outside A LOT!  Here are some pics of our outdoor adventures...and an attempt at a photoshoot of all 3 kids...not my most successful, but funny nonetheless!

This is when I went and grabbed my camera...this wasn't even cute.

Oops...he spotted me!  And yes, he is saying, "Cheese!"

I love that little face!

Watching "Thomas" the train pass by on the tracks down the road.

"Do we really have to do this, Mom?"  I should have known it was too close to lunch and naps for this to be a successful endeavor.

Hank's tummy was hurting.

I put Landry's stuffed kangaroo on the roof to get them to smile and all look in the same direction...I think Tucker was more concerned than amused.

The smiles didn't last for long.

"Last picture, guys - I promise!"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"God created the"- earth day

So, earth day was a couple of days ago.  I was reading a blog post about a Christian perspective on earth day and could totally relate to one of the comments regarding the post:
"Wonderfully written! I want to teach earth day today to the kids, but I didn't want to do it in a radical 'the polar ice caps are melting the polar bears are dying and its all because mommy drives an suv' kind of way. I do think we are to be good stewards to what the Lord has entrusted us with. Thanks for the scriptures."
So, I decided that rather than focusing on global warming, saving the whales, or even "going green" I would use earth day as an opportunity to remind my kids that it was God who created the world, so we should enjoy it, thank Him for it, and take care of it.  We read the creation story out of Genesis and out of a few of our children's Bible story books, and we read and worked on memorizing Psalm 24:1:
"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it..."
Then we headed outside where we went on a scavenger hunt to find things that God created...grass, flowers, bark, sticks...the kids found a rollie pollie, but since I was planning on taping our found items to a poster board, I had them put the little bug back.  :)  We had a lot of fun!  While the younger two napped, Hank continued the project and cut scraps out of magazines to put on the poster.  He ended up with a few categories...animals, people, water, trees, rocks, and sky.

It ended being a really fun day.  It was exciting to have some added purpose and direction to our day, and I was proud to have taught my three little ones about how to be good stewards of the earth our great God created!  If I had a little more energy I would have made dirt cake with gummy worms for an earth day dessert...but there's always earth day next year!!!