Well, it's way past time to post again, and I have all kinds of things to write about and a few cute new pictures to share (all of which WILL come in the next few days...I promise), but for now I want to focus on the milestone which tomorrow will mark - five years of marriage for Jeff and I!!! What a five years it has been, full of so many happy moments and some exciting adventures. I often look at my life and think, "Wow! How did I get here?", and I wouldn't trade it for anything. And there's no one in the world I would have rather shared it with. In honor of our five years of marriage and to attempt to express my appreciation for my beloved, here are 10 of my favorite things about Jeff (in no particular order):
- He has such a genuine compassion and concern for others. I love the way he cares about people...and the way it motivates me to care about people. I love that he shares generously when he sees a need.
- He knows how to have fun. "Young at heart" is definitely an accurate way to describe Jeff. Playing and being silly is one of the things he does best, which makes him an amazing dad and an incredibly fun husband.
- He's a manly man. Forget v-necks and skinny jeans - he looks HOT in his t-shirts and gym shorts. I love that he portrays what biblical manhood looks like and has a passion for seeing the younger generations of men (including Hank and Tucker) grasp that concept, as well. And the fact that he's a Brett Favre look-alike doesn't hurt anything either.
- He'll sacrifice anything for the good of our family. He sold his maroon dodge ram truck so we could get a mini-van...need I say more? I love that he truly is a family man, not just in word but also in deed.
- He's a dreamer. I love the times that we sit side by side and talk about what our lives might look like in 20 years. I love his imagination and his ability to dream big. I'm excited to see where the Lord leads us in the days to come and to see which of our dreams come true.
- He makes me feel like "it's all going to be ok." On those days when I'm anxious and fretting (usually because I'm failing to trust the Lord), Jeff's great big bear hugs (and his gentle reminder of the Lord's promises) are all I need to get through.
- He loves with a Christ-like love. I so appreciate that Jeff loves me, and our kids, and his staff at camp, etc. enough to love us with a true, deep, Christ-like love. A love that isn't always a warm-fuzzy kind of love (although it often is), but is loving enough be challenging and tough when necessary in order to foster growth. Seeing him discipline our kids out of this love is one of the most attractive things to me.
- He is loyal. A die-hard Aggie. Anything but a fair-weather Cowboy and Ranger fan. Just finished his 14th summer at Pine Cove. Ask any of Jeff's friends, loyalty is something Jeff is known for. And what a comforting trait to have in a spouse! I love his desire to remain faithful to me, and all the steps he takes to do that.
- He is a servant. He helps around the house. He is incredibly helpful with the kids. He even cooks...often...and he's exceptionally good at it (yes, I'm a lucky woman!). What a servant's heart he has - one that inspires me to serve him in return (although there's no way I can keep up!) and seek to serve others in my life.
- He truly is a man after God's own heart. Jeff made it clear when we were dating that I would never be more important to him that the Lord is...and that has remained true. I love that! I love that Jeff desires to learn and grow and be the man God desires him to be. There's a Toby Mac song with the lyrics, "I gonna be a daddy who's in the mix, and I'm gonna be a husband that stays legit." I tear up every time I hear that song on the radio because it makes me think of Jeff and how he truly desires to please the Lord with the way he prioritizes and lives his life.
I love you Jeffery Dean Lay, even more than I did five years ago when I walked down that aisle and said, "I do." And just so you know, I still do.
So happy you have a wonderful Hubby, Jenny. Your kiddos are beautiful. I am glad you shared your blog address. I would love to keep up with you. I have one too, but its private, so if you want to see it I just need your email and I can invite you. Miss you sweet friend!
congrats lays! lance and i celebrate our anniversary monday! so fun! i'm glad to have friends that are making their marriage work. i know it is hard... thank you for being faithful in good and bad! we love you both!
how fun! congrats! So neat that I was there!! We are 5 this year too,
Happy Anniversary! Sweet thoughts you shared. Seeing those pictures makes me want to sit down and look through your wedding album!!! (Might be the girliest thing about me - I LOVE to look at people's wedding pictures.) Your dress and flowers were so pretty. =)
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