Friday, December 18, 2009

living in the moment

Ok, so first of all, I'll briefly attempt to explain why I've done such a horrible job of updating the blog. My desire is to record every detail of every day, and until I have time for that, I just put blogging on the back-burner. Well, I'm slowly coming to the realization (duh!) that such a feat will never happen (at least not until my kiddos can do their own laundry, wipe their own bottoms, and fix their own PB&Js), and even when (or if) that time comes, maybe taking the time to blog every detail rather than just sitting back and enjoying every moment isn't the best idea anyway. So I'm trying a new approach: something is better than nothing. Maybe one day I'll back track and post stories and pics of our very fun fall (including my two boys' birthdays!!!), but until then, here is a small "snippet" of what is going on NOW...

So, Christmas is always a fun and exciting time of year, but it takes on a whole new look through the eyes of an incredibly enthusiastic four-year old boy. Unpacking the Christmas decorations, shopping for Christmas presents, listening to Christmas music, putting the star on the tree, setting out the nativity scene, driving around looking at Christmas lights, coloring Christmas pictures, eating Christmas cookies...all of it has been thoroughly enjoyed and treasured, by Hank especially. Of course, our desire is that in his enjoyment of this season, he is able to recognize the reason behind all the celebration. Hank has this neat kid-friendly nativity scene made by Fisher Price Little People that his Grammy and Pops gave to him on his second birthday. We put it away with the Christmas decorations each year so it is a special "Christmas only" toy. All 3 kids are loving it this year.

A two-year old Hank playing with his nativity scene at Christmas 2007.

Last night as I was putting Hank and Landry to bed, I sang "Away in a Manger" to them and explained what the words meant. I talked about why Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus were in the stable with the animals, and how Mary probably laid Baby Jesus in the manger with the hay to keep him warm. Then Hank said, "And then did the angel come down and sit on the stick and all the stars lit up?" (Notice the top of the stable in the picture above...the angel fits on the stick-like knob, and when you push it down, "Away in a Manger" plays and stars in the background of the stable light up.) As I tried to remain composed, I told him that wasn't exactly how it happened and promised to read him the story out of the Bible in the morning, so we could see how it really happened. This morning we read the story out of Luke (I paraphrased on the spot), and it was a really sweet time.

For a four-year-old, he really is starting to "get-it". As we were driving around town looking at Christmas lights Wednesday night, my and Jeff's hearts were warmed by the following conversation:

Hank: I'm so excited about Christmas?
us: Why, buddy?
Hank: Because I get to open presents...but (mumble, mumble, mumble)
us: Wait, what did you say, bud?
Hank: but that's not what Christmas is about
us: That's right! What is Christmas about?
Hank: Jesus' birthday!
us: and why are we so glad that Jesus was born?
Hank: because he died on the cross for us!

Jeff and I just looked at each other in amazement! Praise the Lord, he's getting it!!!

I'm loving this Christmas season! Being in a new place, I feel like we have less commitments (aka distractions) than the typical holiday season. We have plenty of fun parties and events to keep us occupied, but not enough to overwhelm us. It's been such a blessing to take the time to truly savor this special time of year...and we have another week to enjoy it! May your week preceding Christmas be blessed as well!

An unintended "prom picture" taken when we went to see the trail of lights in the nearby town of La Grange.

Tucker wasn't so sure about Mr. Clause...with a look like that, I'm not so sure about him either!

Friday, October 23, 2009

crack me up!

So, my kids give me a lot to laugh about these days! Most recently, Tucker was the culprit!

We went to church Wednesday night, and once we got home I decided to feed him a little more baby food since he didn't eat as much as normal before we left for church. I fed him a jar of sweet potatoes, then gave him a mum-mum (yes, that's really what it's called...I think maybe it's french for "a rice cracker with a fancy name so you'll pay big bucks for it even though it's not that different than a Saltine").

First, Tucker started a new "trick" - sharing! It was precious. He'd take a bite of his mum-mum, then offer me one, and so on and so forth. Too funny, and too cute...and I must admit impressively generous for a 10-month-old! I'd like to think he learned it from his sometimes-incredibly-generous big brother and sister.

Then, all of a sudden, he starts sticking his tongue out, like he had just discovered it for the first time. Hysterical!!! And I was lucky enough to catch a little video of it! Maybe it won't do as much for you as it did for me, but I hope it at least gives you a little chuckle and brightens your day a bit! (And I apologize if you get a crick in your neck watching it...I'm not sure why I videoed it sideways???)

And before I close...Happy Birthday, Pops! You are incredibly loved by a family of 5 in Columbus, TX! I hope it was a wonderful day, and can't wait to celebrate it with you (a little late) in a few weeks!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

it won't be like this for long

I apologize for my lapse in updates...I guess that's what happens when you live in a town long enough to "have a life." I'm mostly kidding. But, seriously, this fall has been comfortably busy. We took a trip to Tyler and I got to go to Denver for a wedding, and we've settled into life in Columbus, getting involved at church and enjoying time with our Columbus friends.

I have no idea how to adequately update you on all that has happened in the past month, so I'll stick with the important stuff...the kids!

Ten-month-old Tucker the Traveller:
Well, Tucker has been "inching" since before camp ended, but he is now officially crawling, and crawling fast!!! I've thought several times since I became the mom of 3 mobile children how I wish the Lord gave moms one extra hand for each child they have after their second. Actually, though, Tucker seems to be able to entertain himself quite well now that he can get where he wants to go. He is also eating some table food: lunch meat, cheese, cheerios, spaghettios, etc. And probably my favorite of his new talents is his ability to pull up...I LOVE walking in to get him up in the mornings or after naps and finding him standing there waiting for me. Oh what a blessing Tucker is in our lives! His huge smile, his bright eyes, and his cuddliness are almost just more than I can handle!

One of Tucker's favorite tricks these days!

I think he looks like such a little man in this outfit

don't's not a real lizard
visiting Grammy

Landry the Little Lady:
Our Miss Priss has developed quite the vocabulary over the past month. There's not much she can't say - and not much she doesn't. Purple has joined pink on her list of favorite colors. She continues to have a great appreciation for pretty things, and continues to have strong opinions on which items in her closet qualify as pretty things. I'm a little nervous about when the temperatures finally start to drop here, because I don't think Landry thinks pants or jeans are very pretty. We may be wearing a lot of skirts with tights, which I think will be a nice compromise that is both pretty and functional. Some of Landry's favorite activities include being mommy to her dolls (and Tucker), playing with play-do, taking bubble baths, singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and doing whatever Hank is doing (or trying to ruin whatever Hank is doing, depending on her mood). I know I am quite biased, but I truly believe she is the most beautiful little girl I have ever set eyes upon, and we are loving teaching her that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.

splish, splash!

one of Landry's ideas of pretty...the more bows, the better! and notice what's on her was when she had the stomach bug and she wanted a band-aid to make her feel better :(

I put her in a skirt and tights on the one cool day we had this fall...I'm not sure what she's doing with her hands, but she's been doing that a lot lately

Handsome, Happy, Helpful Hank:
Hank never ceases to surprise me these days. I am truly in awe of how big...and smart...and responsible he is. He is growing like a weed...he looks so tall and skinny! He has an amazing memory and is learning so much. He can recognize all his letters now and knows what sounds most of them make. I have a feeling that sounding out words is just around the corner...hello hooked on phonics! He knows his days of the week, that normal for a 3 year old??? And Hank truly is my little helper. Although there are occasional exceptions, he is so good at cleaning up after himself, looking out for his little brother and sister, and lending a hand when I need it (which is very frequently). I am so proud of him. Where has the time gone? I feel like it was just yesterday that Hank was the one learning to crawl and pull up and eat table food. My little buddy isn't so little anymore!

he's showing me the snail he found

so big, so tall (relatively speaking, of course...he still barely fits in 3T clothes and he's about to turn 4)

Pops is so funny!

So, if the title of this post didn't sound familiar to you, then you probably haven't had the pleasure of hearing the country song called It Won't Be Like This For Long by Darius Rucker. (Warning: it's a tear-jerker.) I'll end with sharing the lyrics, because they do a good job of summing up the thought process I go through often during these oh-so-wonderful-yet-sometimes-so-challenging days...

He didn't have to wake up
He'd been up all night
Layin' there in bed listenin'
To his newborn baby cry
He makes a pot of coffee
He splashes water on his face
His wife gives him a kiss and says
"It gonna be OK"

It won't be like this for long
One day soon we'll look back laughin'
At the week we brought her home
This phase is gonna fly by
So baby just hold on
It won't be like this for long

Four years later 'bout 4:30
She's crawling in their bed
And when he drops her off at preschool
She's clinging to his leg
The teacher peels her off of him
He says "What can I do?"
She says "Now don't you worry,
This will only last a week or two"

It won't be like this for long
One day soon you'll drop her off
And she won't even know you're gone
This phase is gonna fly by
If you can just hold on
It won't be like this for long

One day soon she'll be a teenager
And at times he'll think she hates him
Then he'll walk her down the aisle
And he'll raise her veil
But right now she's up and cryin'
And the truth is that he don't mind
As he kisses her good night
And she says her prayers
He lays down there beside her
'Til her eyes are finally closed
And just watchin' her it breaks his heart
Cause he already knows

It won't be like this for long
One day soon that little girl is gonna be
All grown up and gone
Yeah this phase is gonna fly by
He's tryin' to hold on
It won't be like this for long
It won't be like this for long

(you can watch the video of this song at

Oh, Lord, may I be willing to cherish the challenging moments right there along with the cheerful ones...May I make the most of every opportunity and savor every experience, recognizing them as a blessing from You!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

sigh of relief

So, the summer has come to an end. We have gotten past the withdrawals of missing our summer camp family (not that we don't miss y''s just sunk in that y'all don't live here anymore), and are easing into the fall - if you can call it that. With the temperatures still in the upper nineties, it's hard to believe fall will ever arrive, but I'm holding on to hope. We've enjoyed time together as a family and a few quick day trips to Katy and Austin. We've spent time with our year-round Columbus friends, and even made some new ones! We've begun to discuss what a typical week will look like this fall and are getting plugged in to some fun opportunities at church and in the community. And if you know me at all, you know that I can't just sit back and enjoy a nice relaxed pace...there's always more to do! So here's just part of my fall to-do list:
  • get rid of Landry's pacifier
  • get Tucker sleeping in his crib (in Hank's room) at night
  • paint the built-in cabinets in our dining area
  • lose 15 pounds
  • potty train Landry
Ummm, I'm tired just thinking about all that I have to do! Actually, though, it's exciting. I know there will be hard days, but the results will be rewarding. And really there's nothing I'd rather be doing than spending time investing in my family and home that the Lord has so richly blessed me with. Let the adventures begin!

(Updates on the kids, more pics, and maybe even some videos coming soon! I tried to include a video on this one, but it's not working right now for some reason...)

Friday, August 21, 2009


Well, it's way past time to post again, and I have all kinds of things to write about and a few cute new pictures to share (all of which WILL come in the next few days...I promise), but for now I want to focus on the milestone which tomorrow will mark - five years of marriage for Jeff and I!!! What a five years it has been, full of so many happy moments and some exciting adventures. I often look at my life and think, "Wow! How did I get here?", and I wouldn't trade it for anything. And there's no one in the world I would have rather shared it with. In honor of our five years of marriage and to attempt to express my appreciation for my beloved, here are 10 of my favorite things about Jeff (in no particular order):

  1. He has such a genuine compassion and concern for others. I love the way he cares about people...and the way it motivates me to care about people. I love that he shares generously when he sees a need.
  2. He knows how to have fun. "Young at heart" is definitely an accurate way to describe Jeff. Playing and being silly is one of the things he does best, which makes him an amazing dad and an incredibly fun husband.
  3. He's a manly man. Forget v-necks and skinny jeans - he looks HOT in his t-shirts and gym shorts. I love that he portrays what biblical manhood looks like and has a passion for seeing the younger generations of men (including Hank and Tucker) grasp that concept, as well. And the fact that he's a Brett Favre look-alike doesn't hurt anything either.
  4. He'll sacrifice anything for the good of our family. He sold his maroon dodge ram truck so we could get a mini-van...need I say more? I love that he truly is a family man, not just in word but also in deed.
  5. He's a dreamer. I love the times that we sit side by side and talk about what our lives might look like in 20 years. I love his imagination and his ability to dream big. I'm excited to see where the Lord leads us in the days to come and to see which of our dreams come true.
  6. He makes me feel like "it's all going to be ok." On those days when I'm anxious and fretting (usually because I'm failing to trust the Lord), Jeff's great big bear hugs (and his gentle reminder of the Lord's promises) are all I need to get through.
  7. He loves with a Christ-like love. I so appreciate that Jeff loves me, and our kids, and his staff at camp, etc. enough to love us with a true, deep, Christ-like love. A love that isn't always a warm-fuzzy kind of love (although it often is), but is loving enough be challenging and tough when necessary in order to foster growth. Seeing him discipline our kids out of this love is one of the most attractive things to me.
  8. He is loyal. A die-hard Aggie. Anything but a fair-weather Cowboy and Ranger fan. Just finished his 14th summer at Pine Cove. Ask any of Jeff's friends, loyalty is something Jeff is known for. And what a comforting trait to have in a spouse! I love his desire to remain faithful to me, and all the steps he takes to do that.
  9. He is a servant. He helps around the house. He is incredibly helpful with the kids. He even cooks...often...and he's exceptionally good at it (yes, I'm a lucky woman!). What a servant's heart he has - one that inspires me to serve him in return (although there's no way I can keep up!) and seek to serve others in my life.
  10. He truly is a man after God's own heart. Jeff made it clear when we were dating that I would never be more important to him that the Lord is...and that has remained true. I love that! I love that Jeff desires to learn and grow and be the man God desires him to be. There's a Toby Mac song with the lyrics, "I gonna be a daddy who's in the mix, and I'm gonna be a husband that stays legit." I tear up every time I hear that song on the radio because it makes me think of Jeff and how he truly desires to please the Lord with the way he prioritizes and lives his life.
So, there you have. The list could go on and on, but I have to cut if off somewhere! I don't know why the Lord chose to bless me with Jeff, but I'm so glad He did! And I'm so grateful for ALL that the past five years have held, the good and the challenging. I'm excited to see what the next five years have in store for us...and the five after that...and the five after that...etc...

I love you Jeffery Dean Lay, even more than I did five years ago when I walked down that aisle and said, "I do." And just so you know, I still do.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

country livin' is the life for us...sometimes

So, last night we went to a little town down the road for a bluegrass festival we had heard about. We, along with Chrismiss, got all "dolled" and "duded" up in our best country attire (to get in the mood) and headed to Fayetteville, TX (population a couple hundred I the most).

(Side note: the main reason we put on our country attire was because my awesome little brother Joey hooked me up with a free pair of boots this past week and I couldn't wait to wear them!)

Well, let's just say the bluegrass festival wasn't all it was cracked up to be. There were two groups of people who were playing their instruments and singing, and that was entertaining...for about 15 minutes. Honestly, if we didn't have the kids, I bet we could have been entertained, just by people watching if nothing else, for a good long while, but it was hot and the kids got restless, so we took a little evening drive down the country roads, picked up some ice cream at the Dairy Cone, and headed back home.

Probably the best parts of the evening were the fun photo opps, so enjoy!!!

a few of our favorite things...

I've somehow let two weeks pass since I last posted, so in order to summarize the past 14 days, I'm going to use pics of some of the favorite moments we've had lately...

...a visit from Grammy and Pops!!! Our sweet second half nanny, Deo, was needed as a counselor for week 10, so my mom graciously offered to come lend a helping hand for a few days! Pops dropped her off, so we got a little time with him, too. Always a treat!

...playing outside!!! Despite the crazy heat, the kids love playing outside on our great big driveway. They play with sidewalk chalk and ride on their tricycles until they're cheeks are bright red...and then they play some more.

....playing inside!!! We like to build tents, play dress up, build towers, color pictures, etc. It's been so fun to watch as Hank and Landry are truly becoming best friends. Most the time they play amazingly well together, BUT they also know how to push each other's buttons better than anyone else, too. Tucker is also getting to where he can "play" with his big brother and sister. And watching them is probably his favorite thing right now.

...Daddy time! Oh, what a treat it is when Daddy is home. One more week, and we'll be seeing a lot more of him! Yippee!!!

A few other quick updates...

I had a wonderful 30th birthday...thanks to everyone for your phone calls, facebook messages, cards, etc. My sweet hubby surprised me a couple days after my actual birthday with a get-away to Katy...a yummy dinner, a little shopping, a NEW CAMERA, uninterrupted sleep, sleeping in (kinda), and just having time nice! Deo and Chrismiss watched the kiddos and did a fantastic job! About the new camera...if you notice an improvement in the quality of pictures on our blog from this point on, that's why. Thanks, babe!

Camp is continuing to go so well! I've heard story after story of the exciting things the Lord is doing in the campers and in the staff! I'm really enjoying this summer and have loved getting to know the girls at camp. I think we'll experience a little culture shock more this year than in the past because things will seem SO QUIET and SO SLOW in Columbus once summer camp has shut down. I'm sure it will be nice, but weird!

There are so many things I'm looking forward to about the fall, but we'll save that for another time!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

busy doing...???

You know how you just have those days (or weeks) where you know you were really busy and you know you're exhausted, but you don't really have any idea why??? That was this week. I sat down to type thinking that surely I had all kids of excited stories since I feel so wiped out...but I'm fresh out. So, instead, I decided to pick a few favorite pics of the week...

(above) This is my new favorite pic! I'm usually on the other side of the camera, so it's quite the treat to have a picture with me and all 3 of my kiddos in it! Now, if we can just get a decent family pic one of these days...

another fun one with my bundles of joy!

OK, in the next 4 pictures, notice sweet Tucker's little face...he is smiling and I mean SMILING for the camera...what a cheese ball!

It's getting to be that time of the summer when we're ready to have Daddy home more...3 more weeks! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We definitely don't want to wish away the last 3 weeks of camp. We will be so sad to see all the staff that we have fallen so in love with leave at the end of the summer, but we will also enjoy some much-needed family time, too!

A rare moment indeed...all 3 of my children sitting still!

We had the pleasure of a visit from my grandparents...Nana and Paw-Paw. It was such a joy to have them in our home. I loved visiting with them and watching them enjoy their great-grandbabies.

A few more highlights from "week 8" before I wrap up:

Hank has learned how to use the computer! Stephanie East (who I had the pleasure of getting to see briefly last Monday...and showing her our new home!) showed Hank an educational website (Hank calls it Mrs. Stephanie's favorite website) that Walker has learned to navigate. It teaches kids about letters and sounding out words. Hank has quickly caught on! He can use the mouse to click on the "spawkwy awohs" (sparkly arrows) and navigate through the different activities on the site. Fun for hours! We're already having to limit his computer time each day. Technology these days!

Landry continues to love picking out her own clothes. Now it's the first thing she says when she gets out of bed in the mornings..."I need a shirt!" We had a traumatic moment this week...I decided it was time for bear-bear (her beloved pink teddy bear that goes everywhere with her and truly is her best friend and greatest source of comfort) to get a bath. I threw him in the washing maching one morning...BIG MISTAKE! After a little over an hour, many tears, and several failed attempts at distraction, Landry had a very happy reunion with her cleaner (and much pink-er) bear-bear.

Tucker continues to amaze me with his sweetness. Even his "bad" days are relatively easy. His first tooth is minutes away from poking through his gums. I'm still waiting for him to start he just uses the "rock'n'roll" method of movement...he gets up on all 4's and rocks, then rolls over onto his back, then tummy, then back, then tummy, to get where he wants to go. He eats almost two full jars of baby food at each feeding, and takes an average of 5 ounces of formula three of four times a day. And as you saw above...he smiles a lot!

Jeff is tired, but doing great! He's doing a phenomenal job of keeping things going smoothly at camp but also keeping his family a priority! I'm so proud of him!

I got to go to dinner with Chrismiss this week...tomatillo enchiladas continue to be a fave! And we tried a stuffed avocado...yummy! We had fun chatting, and I'm grateful to be introduced to one of her favorite desserts...the pazookie! I have been thankful for her friendship this summer!

Today is my last day as a "twenty-something." I don't know how I feel about that. It's been a pretty amazing 30 years! I am truly blessed!

No particular reason, but Columbus is feeling more and more like home. I've emotionally moved from being "ok" most the time, to liking it most the time, to now loving it sometimes! I look forward to unpacking those last few boxes, finishing up those last few projects, and getting into a normal-life routine this fall. The Lord has been faithful to hold me close during the challenges we've had over the past several months and to even teach me much through it all. I'm excited to see the blessings...and "learning moments"...he will continue to reveal in the days to come. I don't know why I ever doubted. I guess He knows what He's doing after all. =)

[Quick side note: In the margin on the left, you will find a place where you can subscribe to our blog so that you'll get an email every time there's a new post. I thought it might make things easier on you "regulars." Also, this may sound silly, but if you do stop by our blog, I'd love it if you'd leave a comment every now and then...I like positive feedback and knowing that people do actually read this. Thanks! =)]